Stone Countertops For Outdoor Kitchens

High angle view of a stylish outdoor kitchen gas barbecue and dining table set for entertaining guests with formal place settings and flowers on a paved patio

At E.W. Granite & Marble we know just about everything when it comes to natural stone especially for countertops, both indoors and out. While you may know what stone is best for your indoor kitchen, what about your outdoor kitchen countertop? Outdoor kitchens are exposed to harsh elements from snow and ice to rain and wind, which is why it’s so important to select the best materials when designing your new outdoor living space. When it comes to selecting your outdoor countertops here’s what you should consider:


What Stone Countertop Is Most Durable?



When it comes to durability, granite takes the cake. Not only is this countertop material visually stunning, but it’s quite resistant to damage. Granite countertops are also widely available in a selection of styles so you can easily find the right stone to match your design. Additionally, some varieties of granite stone are so dense that they don’t even require a sealant. Even if your granite does happen to stain, the good news is that the sun and rain will wash away the stain overtime.



The runner up for durability is concrete. Concrete countertops are great for outdoor kitchens, however they can scratch more easily than granite. It’s also important to remember that concrete countertops can alter in appearance from sun exposure. If you stick to lighter earth tone colors for your concrete countertops, any sun fading will be less noticeable.



Soapstone is great because it is naturally resistant to heat and staining, which for outdoor kitchens is a major plus. One word of warning however, is that if not properly maintained you can see this kitchen countertop start to deteriorate faster than it’s more durable counterparts. With regular sealing or oiling will prevent scratches and help to keep the stone looking more consistent in color overtime.



Not sure what stone countertop is best for your outdoor kitchen? Give us a call at E.W. Granite & Marble. As experts in all things stone, we like to think we have a pretty good handle on helping you select the best countertop material for your needs and budget. Call us or click here for a free quote.